Tag Archives: Reggae

Jamaica about to legalize it

Now lots of countries are realizing that legalizing marijuana means a huge tax income boost, it’s starting to happen all over the world. People who want to use it will not have to hang around shady dealers anymore, which is a big plus. If you legalize the production too, you make sure that gangs and cartels don’t make any money off it. If you really want to rule them out in the drug department you should legalize all of these stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens etc… It might seem like a ballsy move but it would vastly lower the deaths caused by drug wars of any kind. There are however a few expected cons to taking this measure. When gangs, mafiosi and the like can’t sell drugs anymore they’ll start to focus on other things more. We might see a rise in extortion, pickpocketing and slavery, the sale of weapons etc… The governments/companies should offer the drugs at reasonable prices, otherwise you’re creating a black market again, same goes for the potency. We must accept that most countries won’t legalize this because of moral issues, but just because they want some extra budget. That cash should be used for good purposes as far as we can help it, say funding schools and scholars or pensions. Perhaps even public transport, wouldn’t it be nice to take have free buses and trains because people can enjoy their weed? It could be put handled the same way as alcohol, which is a dangerous, addictive drug. Doing this will create massive economic possibilities, we can all profit if we do this right.It might seem a bit odd that Jamaica hadn’t legalized it already, since they’re labeled as such a weed-loving country, but now they’re finally thinking of it. Bob Marley and Peter Tosh would applaud it!