Tag Archives: Happy


I’m sitting in my garden, the birds are whistling their songs. They practice constantly, but you can’t just exercise and expect to become great at something! Sure you’ll get better, but you’ll reach a plateau at one point, perhaps even more than one! Now if you add a little extra passion to achieving your goal, you will jump over the obstacle. Never be put off by the hurdles of life, you’ll be so much better and stronger when you keep going and overcome them!

Whatever enjoyable thing you do today, make sure to savor every second of it. Really enjoy those moments, your day will be so much better for it. When that negative moment might happen, don’t be put off by it, it’s in your best interest to just let that pass by. 

Being an asshole isn’t cool, having a huge ego isn’t gonna make you better than the rest. Being kind and relaxed does everyone of us a big favor. Laughing at someone because they’re different is just plain ignorant. Bullying someone because  your so insecure about yourself is even worse. Get up by pushing other people down, now that’s a bad attitude. Don’t lose your common sense people. Choose to be different, it’s not because people react to it strangely that you’re not doing the right thing! Be yourself, the best version preferably!

The rain

It’s raining heavily today, thousands of drops flying down. They make things look worse than they are,  everything looks a bit sad. But that’s just perception, this weather gives you a great opportunity to stay inside and do productive things inside your home, like: blogging, cleaning, whatever indoor hobby’s you have that make you feel good. You could just go out and do some cardio: cycling, running, etc… You might be more prone to catch a cold but you’ll be happy when you’ve done it! There was a blackbird in my garden making a nest in the ivy plants, when it started getting wet it could hide in between the leaves, cozily hidden in her new nest. When the rain has passed the ground will smell different and you won’t have to water the plants for a few days. Everything has an opportunity hidden in it, even the rain. All you have to do is see it and take it.

Take a moment to be kind

It’s great to see someone light up if you give them a compliment or if you’re just kind to them. Kindness is something that’s always present within us but sometimes we get caught up in stress or bad feelings. During those moments we are unaware, we should always try to be sensible. Attitudes make a great difference in our approach towards daily situations. Try not to drift off, stay close to your essence. Be mindful, kindness changes your social interactions drastically. Every compliment is a small seed planted in yours or someone elses soul.

Be kind, be brave.