Tag Archives: Ego

A huge paradox

Every form of life seems rather fragile, easy to hurt and always suspect to dieing. The material form of things is always perishing, it always has an end. Everything under that is infinite and everlasting, but the material is part of it too! We’re all one, everything is one but our ego’s create the illusion of a seperate existence. Think about it…

Brand clothing

It seems to me that you should not buy clothes because of their brand. If you buy something just because it’s a symbol of a high social, financial status etc… You need to think through if you really need an image like that. I’d say, if you like how certain clothes look buy them! If those happen to be brand clothes, that’s fine too. It’s the difference between buying clothes to look good in or clothes as a way of saying:”Look how rich I am, I can afford this!”

No visible reaction

Let’s take a look at this potentially everyday situation. Say you’re walking around in a street. Someone shouts at you: “Nice shoes nerd,  did your mom buy them for you?” All his friends start laughing. If you narrow your options down to 2 you have 2 posibilities: the ego-option and the carry on-option. So you could either take it as damage to your fragile ego and try to attack or defend yourself or you could just not care about it and not even think about it afterward, not letting it influence you at all. So what’s the best choice? The second one, you don’t carry around any stress or negative energy this way, it won’t even haunt you, you won’t feel hurt or spiteful. It’s good to remember that people who try to provoke others or attack them are usually very insecure, they try to feel better by annoying others. Yes, it is silly, so do yourself a favor and stop caring about this stuff.

Being an asshole isn’t cool, having a huge ego isn’t gonna make you better than the rest. Being kind and relaxed does everyone of us a big favor. Laughing at someone because they’re different is just plain ignorant. Bullying someone because  your so insecure about yourself is even worse. Get up by pushing other people down, now that’s a bad attitude. Don’t lose your common sense people. Choose to be different, it’s not because people react to it strangely that you’re not doing the right thing! Be yourself, the best version preferably!


Take a moment to think about this for a second: You can not look at yourself without a mirror. Think of all the plants and animals that have never seen a mirror and thus have no idea what they look like. Life would be very different if we had no idea what we looked like… The effect would be a greatly diminished ego for some and a strange sense of unknowingness.

We’re just energy, particles, space dust. Everything is infinite. Carry on flying people!

The Way of Liberation

Yesterday I found this free e-book while surfing around. You can find it here:


I started reading it just now and the writer seems to have written it as a practical guide. A way to lose your ego, discover yourself and unveil the truth. I encourage you to read this book, I think it will enrich your life in many ways.