Tag Archives: Deal

Climb the mountain

If you were to climb the highest mountain, how would  you do it? Would you use handy instruments and shortcuts? Would you just walk up? Maybe take a little break once in a while? Would you rather take a plane up? The way up is paved with good intentions, you first need to start, this seems like something most people don’t even do. You might use many things that you find helpful, but they shouldn’t become crutches for you to lean upon. If they fall away you’re pretty much lost. You’ll experience a setback here and there, but you shouldn’t be discouraged by that. Those little ‘bad’ things are an opportunity to rise back up bigger and higher, because that’s what will happen if you don’t give up.


When you reach the point on which you feel like it would be much better to give up, you absolutely shouldn’t. It’s exactly that moment that you have to pass in order to achieve bigger successes and those moments will pop up again certainly. All these challenges make you stronger and hopefully better too. Remember to climb your own mountain, don’t go for the paved path that someone else has walked, that’s simply not the way it works. Start climbing and keep climbing, in your own way, it’ll make you more authentic too.