Tag Archives: Self

I messed up

I messed up big time today. I had to fill in a certain paper and turn it in a few days ago. I didn’t know, thanks to my own ignorance. I want to see this as an opportunity to better myself, not to stay down in that pit of bad feelings I was thrown in. I don’t want to shout out for help, I feel like I can get out of this better than before. I just need to find a way out.

Climb the mountain

If you were to climb the highest mountain, how would  you do it? Would you use handy instruments and shortcuts? Would you just walk up? Maybe take a little break once in a while? Would you rather take a plane up? The way up is paved with good intentions, you first need to start, this seems like something most people don’t even do. You might use many things that you find helpful, but they shouldn’t become crutches for you to lean upon. If they fall away you’re pretty much lost. You’ll experience a setback here and there, but you shouldn’t be discouraged by that. Those little ‘bad’ things are an opportunity to rise back up bigger and higher, because that’s what will happen if you don’t give up.


When you reach the point on which you feel like it would be much better to give up, you absolutely shouldn’t. It’s exactly that moment that you have to pass in order to achieve bigger successes and those moments will pop up again certainly. All these challenges make you stronger and hopefully better too. Remember to climb your own mountain, don’t go for the paved path that someone else has walked, that’s simply not the way it works. Start climbing and keep climbing, in your own way, it’ll make you more authentic too.


I’m sitting in my garden, the birds are whistling their songs. They practice constantly, but you can’t just exercise and expect to become great at something! Sure you’ll get better, but you’ll reach a plateau at one point, perhaps even more than one! Now if you add a little extra passion to achieving your goal, you will jump over the obstacle. Never be put off by the hurdles of life, you’ll be so much better and stronger when you keep going and overcome them!

Being an asshole isn’t cool, having a huge ego isn’t gonna make you better than the rest. Being kind and relaxed does everyone of us a big favor. Laughing at someone because they’re different is just plain ignorant. Bullying someone because  your so insecure about yourself is even worse. Get up by pushing other people down, now that’s a bad attitude. Don’t lose your common sense people. Choose to be different, it’s not because people react to it strangely that you’re not doing the right thing! Be yourself, the best version preferably!

Will the real slim shady please stand up?

It seems to me that often people will tell others: You haven’t seen the real me yet. What tends to go wrong when things like this happen is that those people let that behaviur become a habit. Which would mean that they’re constantly hiding their true selves from others. For whatever reason possible: they think they might be laughed at, they don’t think they’re good enough etc… So I want to take this moment to ask you to be true to yourself and show your real self to the world. Not the version of you that you think you should be because other people tell you so.

Being yourself

Interesting things happen if we’re really being ourselves. I am. One becomes very tranquil and starta to feel an inner stilness. It feels like it’s only the beginning. In everyday situations we face a lot of emotions, these feelings can be far from pleasant or good to whatever degree you let yourself go. We must know and remember at every time that we are and that we’re above all that happens.Rather than dimming the light we must make it shine bright omnifluorescent. This might sound a bit egotistical but that is nothing but a false statement. One could name it humanist or humanicentrical. The terming, in the end, is of no importance, it is merely the content that one must apply directly to ones life. The universe stems from the world within, it is that which we must explore to widen or perspectives and thus strengthen our inner powers. It is very easy to get distracted by television or other means of worldy entertainment. In short, this implies that discipline is crucial, perhaps even quintessential.

If one develops this willpower, this discipline, he will notice great self-improvement. Dealing with the fact that we can’t overlook this quality we can conclude that it is indeed necessary and that you should take small steps to achieve it. Beware, discipline is a constant process, all it takes to fall back into the pit of slight of will is a slight drip of weakness. But this not always the case. You might have noticed that I have taken a rather pluralist approach to this matter. That is simply because the matter itself is rather subtle of nature. It takes a great deal of perseverance and exploring to reach the self. Although one might feel like taking a shortcut, this isn’t always a good idea. If it feels completely right, it’s probably good. How does this not interfere with the process of selflessness? one might wonder. These two things are seperate and together at the same time, one needs to find a healthy balance that allows all the different forces to coexist in harmony.